It can be provided with vit B12, vit B 12 red in color, it is valid complement to improve the color of the skin, give greater luminosity and in combination with other functionalities to counteract the formation of the radicals.
NOUVODRM HA is Monophasic crosslinking technology hyaluronic acid is ground into a smooth and homogeneous gel by grinding hyaluronic acid gel blocks without adding other substances.
The cross-linking degree of monophasic hyaluronic acid is relatively high, about 6%-13%, and the maintenance time after injection is relatively long, generally about 12-18 months
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Biphasic crosslinking technology hyaluronic acid, the product is a puri¬fied viscous and transparent gel; it is a single use product. This product is a unique stabilized sodium hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin
each ml contains:
Sodium hyaluronate: 30mg
Sodium chloride (NaCl): 9.0mg
Disodium hydrogen phosphate: 0.555mg
Sodium di hydrogen phosphate: 0.039mg
Lidocaine: 0.3%
Water for injection: ad
Used for deep wrinkle and folds such as Nasolabial folding .nose shaping, chin lengthening , lip augmentation and temple filler.